Your privacy
“GDPR – Data Protection Ruling by ICO from May 2018
There are rules and regulations that govern how companies use and retain your information, as a sole trader I am not exempt from those rules and would like to explain how I will use and store your information.
What information is being collected?
If you have sent me a request asking me about my services, I will be collecting and keeping your name/email/telephone number and the relevant information about your service.
How do I use your data?
Once I have received your initial enquiry I will contact you via phone or email as requested by you, and then we will go from there. If you decide to use my services, I will store your data so that I can work professionally with you to create your ceremony. If for any reason you decide not to use my services I will delete your details from my inbox within 3 months of your initial enquiry.
Who is collecting your data?
Just me, (Rebecca Lee-Wale) via my website, phone call, or email.
How is it collected?
Via my website submission, phone or email.
If you book me for your ceremony I will retain your information in my bookings diary and on spreadsheets on my computer. (Devised and maintained by me, with no other third party involved) This information is also backed up onto my computer and stored in the Cloud, for security. I will also ask you to sign a GDPR information retention document along with your contract and booking form.
Why is it being collected?
I need to retain some of your data to enable me to do my job! I need to be able to contact you in the lead up to your ceremony as we work together to create your ceremony and more.
Who will it be shared with?
No one, unless you give me permission to share it.
What will be the effect of this on the individual concerned?
I hope the effect will be positive and allow us to keep in regular contact during our working relationship.
Is the intended use likely to cause individuals to object or complain?
I cannot think of a reason for objection or complaint if we are working together. It is best practice to maintain some form of system to record details for the duration of our working relationship.